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Volunteer Teaching in Cambodia!

Do you have a passion for teaching, helping others and traveling around the world? Are you looking for a lifechanging adventure that lets you see exciting places while making a difference?

Then check out this opportunity for volunteer teaching in Cambodia with Global Crossroad!

Cambodia is a country with an amazingly rich and deep culture and history as well as magnificently beautiful scenery including jungles, mountains, lakes and beaches.

The people are also famous for their incredible friendliness and welcoming attitudes, eagerly inviting foreigners to learn about their country and culture.

Sadly, Cambodia struggles with rampant poverty, and as such access to proper education, especially in terms of the English language, is severely lacking in poor and rural areas. Due to the booming tourism industry, English is a vital skill for young Cambodians to learn in order to secure a job in the future.

State and community schools receive very little government funding, so when you volunteer teaching English in Cambodia, you are providing an incredibly valuable resource to the schools, and through this great value to the kids themselves as an opportunity to learn English from someone who’s native or fluent will greatly improve their chances at a thriving future.

Are you interested in teaching English to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, providing a real benefit to them while on a lifechanging adventure? Then contact Global Crossroad today for more information about this fantastic opportunity!

Volunteer Responsibilities & Impacts

Your responsibilities and tasks while volunteering teaching English in Cambodia will vary depending on the day and your placement. You will work closely with local teachers and staff to ensure a quality English education for your students. Your placement may be in an orphanage, a public school, an NGO or a local university.

No matter where you teach, the valuable English skills you impart will be of great use to your students, and your work will help ensure that they become competitive in the job market and greatly increase their chances at getting a job and leading successful adult lives.

Skills and Qualifications

The only qualifications necessary for this Cambodia volunteer teaching English program is fluency in English and a great love and passion for teaching and working with disadvantaged children and students. We accept volunteers regardless of education and experience, so long as you are a kind and flexible person with a deep desire to make the world a better place.

Prior experience with teaching, nursing, construction, gardening or organizational skills are all highly appreciated and will allow you to make an even greater impact but are by no means required. Volunteers should be between 18 to 70 years of age and be flexible and open to new experiences and challenges.

When you volunteer, every day will be greatly rewarding and fun with students. There is much to see and do on your free time, and the enthusiasm and gratitude of your students is sure to put a spring in your step wherever you go.

  • First Day: On your first day of volunteering in Cambodia in an English teaching project, your local coordinator will escort you to the project placement and introduce you to the staff and students, and then give you the day to get familiar with the facilities and your upcoming duties as a teacher.
  • Weekdays:Your volunteer work starts on the second day, and while every day will be fresh and exciting, bringing with it brand new experiences and challenges, a typical volunteer day is as follows:
  • 7.00 to 7.30 AM: A lovely Cambodian breakfast is served at your volunteer house, which you can decide to pack and bring with you to your workplace or enjoy together with your fellow volunteers at the accommodation.
  • 7.45 AM: At this time you set out for your project placement for a rewarding day of teaching valuable English skills to disadvantaged kids or students.
  • 12.00 PM: At noon you’ll get a break for lunch, which you can enjoy together with your new colleagues and students, immersing you in their culture and daily life.
  • 3.00 PM: Around this time your work duties will be finished, and the rest of the day is yours to relax, sightsee, socialize or go shopping.
  • 6.45 PM: At the end of the day you will be served one more delicious and authentic Cambodian meal at the volunteer house which is a great chance to do some cultural exchange with your new friends there.

Volunteer Teaching in Cambodia: Dates and Fees


Cambodia programs start on Mondays in the first week and third week of the month.


Global Crossroad is committed to offering the most affordable and highest quality Cambodia volunteer trips. We strive to keep our costs low. The humanitarian side of the business is our passion.

Global Crossroad's volunteer program in Cambodia application and registration fee cost US $299. The application fee covers the cost of advertising, program promotion, and office expenses (rent, utilities, and staff salaries in USA office).

In addition to the application fee, you are required to pay a weekly program fee. You will pay your weekly fee directly to the country coordinator, who in turn will allocate it to your host family, project and other in-country support we offer to our volunteers. This way, the fees that you pay will benefit those who rightfully deserve them, and not for company profit.

Weeks Orphanage
  2 Weeks   $420
  3 Weeks   $570
  4 Weeks   $720
  5 Weeks   $820
  6 Weeks   $890
  7 Weeks   $1040
  8 Weeks   $1,110
  9 Weeks   $1245
  10 Weeks   $1,380
  11 Weeks   $1,515
  12 Weeks   $1,650

Comprehensive Travel Insurance $3.49/day ( below 28 years) and $4.49/day ( above 28 years) »
How your fee is allocated?

Program fees cover:
  • Accommodation (volunteer house or host family)
  • Food (local food 3 times a day)
  • Airport pick up and transfer
  • Program Orientation
  • In-country support
  • Personalized project
  • Pre-departure information
  • Certificate of completion
  • Fundraising ideas and letters
  • Discount for returning volunteers
Program fees exclude:
  • Visas
  • Airfare
  • Personal expenses on soft drinks and foo
  • Daily transportation
  • Airport return transfer

Accommodation and Meal

While volunteering in Cambodia you will stay in our safe and comfortable volunteer house in Phnom Penh. Here you will share a room with volunteers of the same gender which comes equipped with comfy beds, fans, and modern bathroom facilities. The reception is always manned to provide you with assistance, and three delicious Cambodian meals will be prepared for you each day. Volunteers working outside of Phnom Penh city will stay with our carefully chosen host families.

Read more about your accommodation and meal in Cambodia.

Free Time and Weekend Exploration

You’ll have more than enough free time to explore and enjoy Cambodia as a volunteer in our English teaching program. You’ll have the evenings free to take in the capital and visit all the famous sights and markets there, while your weekends are completely open to go on longer tours all across the country to places like Angkor Wat or Koh Rong.

Learn more about your free time and weekend exploration in Cambodia.

Safety and In Country Support

We always make sure our volunteers are kept safe and comfortable during their volunteering project. Our facilities and project placements are regularly inspected and vetted for safety, and your local coordinator is always available to assist you with anything you need.

Read more about our safety protocols and extensive in-country support.

Volunteer Teaching in Cambodia: FAQs

Arrival and departure
For our teaching volunteer project in Cambodia, you have to fly into Phnom Penh International Airport one day before the start date of the project. Airport pick-up will be arranged for you.

Contact our local country coordinator as soon as possible if there are any flight contingencies such as missed flights and delays/cancellations. Additionally, Global Crossroad does not offer any airport drop-off service to its volunteers.


You have to obtain a tourist visa in order to work in our teaching volunteer program in Cambodia. You must visit the embassy of Cambodia or any of its consulates in your home country to apply and obtain a tourist visa before your flight to Cambodia.

Citizens of countries like Australia, Canada, and the USA can apply for an on-arrival-visa at the international airport. Visa on arrival will be valid for 30 days from its date of issuance. You can also go online and get a visa by clicking here.

Check out this website if you want to learn in detail about Cambodia’s visa requirements and policies.


Measles, Hepatitis A, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Typhoid, Routine vaccines, Hepatitis B, Rabies, and Yellow Fever are the recommended vaccines.

Check out this website for more information about these vaccinations and consult with your medical doctor.

Why Volunteer Teaching in Cambodia?

Teaching English in Cambodia is an incredibly rewarding experience. Your students will be grateful for your presence and have great enthusiasm for learning. The experience will be lifechanging not just for them but for you as well as you’re immersed in this fascinating and rich culture.

You will gain real-world classroom experience

By being part of this English teaching project, you will get valuable real-world experience of working in a classroom with underprivileged kids and students. This will be incredibly valuable for your future prospects as an international English teacher.

You will get experience of teaching internationally

Teaching English volunteering abroad in Cambodia teaches you how to be a teacher in a foreign and new environment and how to overcome challenges like cultural differences and language barriers in the classroom. This will have a positive impact on the kids but also your future career prospects.

You will develop a love of the English language by working with local teachers

You will get to work closely with local teachers, and through the sharing of ideas you will develop a love of the English language and help spread this love to the students in your care, greatly helping them achieve their goals for the future.

You will gain insight into the education system of Cambodia

Another key benefit of volunteering in Teaching English in Cambodia is that you get the chance to learn about an education system that is likely to be completely different from your own. This will give you a new perspective on education and open your eyes to the different systems all over the world.

You will make English education accessible to children of Cambodia

A majority of people in Cambodia struggle to learn English, as access to proper education is simply out of their reach. By volunteering you will help make an English education more easily accessible, greatly improving the lives of the entire community.

Other Volunteering Projects in Cambodia

If you’d like to volunteer in Cambodia but not as a teacher, Global Crossroad has many alternatives for you. You can
work in an orphanage,
raise awareness of HIV/AIDS,
work with a local NGO,
Community Development,
do medical work and much more.

Other English Teaching Opportunities

English is a valuable skill all over the world, and Global Crossroad arranges English teaching programs in a large number of countries spread out over many different continents. For some of our most popular English teaching programs, see the list below: