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Free Time –Kathmandu, Chitwan, Pokhara

Are you looking to know some of the main places to visit in Nepal while volunteering with underprivileged communities?  Are you concerned about how much free time you will have during the week to check out the local area?  Are you wondering if you will have enough time to see all many places across the county since it is very big? GCR got your back. You will have plenty of time to travel in Nepal while positively impacting communities.

While volunteering in Nepal projects, you will be working for 4-5 hours a day, Monday through to Friday..  You will have plenty of free time in the morning and evening to explore the surrounding places

The volunteer projects are located in Kathmandu, Chitwan and Pokhara.

Kathmandu is an enchanting place, with lot many things to do and explore around.  You will have a lot of free time to explore all the tourist gems in the local area while creating lasting memories.

Chitwan is known for its diverse wildlife attraction. It is one of the best national parks that you ever get to see in Nepal.

Pokhara is a serene, sublime and paradisiacal place in Nepal. Loaded with breathtaking scenery, adventure activity and distinct food choices it’s a perfect place to be in

Weekend Exploration

You will work for 5 days a week from for about 4-5 hours from Monday to Friday in Nepal volunteer project. You will get two days off in a week, which you can use to travel across the country for sightseeing and experiencing Nepalese natural attractions, cultural practices and traditions

There are plenty of tourist attractions in Nepal. The country is extremely diverse with picturesque of some of the greatest things and places to visit, there is something for everyone depending on your interest. You will get to experience majestic Himalayan views, combined with golden temples, charming hill villages and jungle wildlife watching. You cannot afford to miss out in any of these experiences while in Nepal volunteering trip and create unforgettable memories.

Here are more interesting places to check out over the weekend while in Nepal:

Nyatapola Temple
You cannot afford to miss out a chance to see this five storey’s, towering 30m above the square, Nyatapola  the tallest temple in all of Nepal and one of the tallest buildings in the Kathmandu Valley. The perfectly proportioned temple was built in 1702 during the reign of King Bhupatindra Malla. A monumental delight to watch during your volunteer in Nepal programs and the construction is so sturdy that it shows the construction techniques from centuries ago.

Garden of Dreams
If you are nature enthusiast, go and check out Garden of Dreams. Field marshal Kaiser Shamser built this garden in 1920. It is one of the most serene and beautiful enclaves in Kathmandu. It is also one of best places to relax and regroup during your weekends in Nepal.

Mul Chowk
You must have heard about the world-famous architectural palaces available in Nepal, Mul chowk is one of the best. It is a spacious courtyard that lies to the South of the Patan Museum. This is one of the largest and oldest of the Royal Palace’s three main chowk (squares). It is indeed an architectural delight to admire while volunteering in Nepal programs.

Asan Tole
A travelling experience is not complete without some shopping. Asan Tole is a sprawling market place of Kathmandu. From dawn until dusk it is jammed with vegetable and spice vendors selling everything from yak tails to dried fish. It’s the busiest square in the city and a fascinating place for you to linger, in the weekends. The time spent here in Nepal volunteer opportunities will be in your memories forever and an opportunity to see some traditional items available in Nepal.

Other interesting places to visit during your weekend are:

Visit Krishna Mandir for observing its Northern-Indian style shikara spire and the statue of Lord Krishna
Explore the Janaki Mandir for observing its grander pieces of architecture 
Catch a glimpse of serene Phewa Lake in Pokhara
Spend some time at the Chitwan National Park to see varieties of flora and fauna
Spend time at Gorkha Durbar to observe the crowning glory of Newari architechture
Visit National Museum to catch glimpses of fabulous treasures on dusty display 

Volunteer Opportunities in Nepal

If you’re interested in other volunteering opportunities in Nepal, then GCR offers a wide range of projects in the country for a variety of passions and interests. Whether you want to ,
Work in an Orphanage,
Teach English,
Teach Buddhist Monks,
become a medical volunteer,
Nature Conservation,
Photo Journalist Volunteer Project,
or much more there is a GCR program for you.