Explore the World of Low Cost Best Gap Year Programs Abroad Opportunities

Learn about the benefits of spending a longer length of time abroad on meaningful volunteer projects which change lives and communities

  • Find out more about our affordable gap year overseas programs, which all have excellent reviews from previous volunteers.
  • Learn more about our exciting gap year programs which are low priced but high quality.
  • Take some time out to help those in need while also boosting your own experience bank and resume.
  • All our gap year abroad programs are well organized and consider your safety to be our first priority.
  • Enjoy endless experiences which will change both yourself and the world for the better.
  • A fantastic, once in a lifetime opportunity to explore several different cultures and meet the people who call them home.
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Low Cost Best Gap Year Programs Abroad

volunteering in africa

Are you exciting about trying the best gap year programs abroad? Do you want to give back to underserved communities around the world? Gap year volunteer programs abroad are one of the best ways to make a difference to others.

By participating in gap year travel programs, you’re not just helping local people—you’re also enhancing your own skills and experience. When you have a chance to do something amazing, you can either seize the day or let the opportunity pass you by: at Global Crossroad, we want everyone to take advantage of the best gap year programs abroad because we know how impactful the experience truly is.

The benefits of best gap year programs abroad

There are countless benefits to embarking on gap year volunteer programs abroad. Most people choosing to go on a gap year adventure will be in the prime of their youth—and still flexible with their career choices . That’s why it’s so important to jump on board when you’re still young! Because people who volunteer abroad learn so much from their time away.

The experience provides you with wisdom that you’ll forever keep in your heart. For starters, going on the best gap year programs abroad will increase your ability to communicate with a wide range of people. This is a skill that will serve you for the rest of your life, in all sorts of circumstances—from your personal relationships to your professional ones.

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Secondly, using your gap year to volunteer with children or support nature conservation projects in remote parts of the world shows you lessons in dealing with difficult situations.

When you decide to try one of our affordable gap year programs, you’re saying yes to stepping out of your comfort zone. This can be scary, but it’s oh so worth it! During your time volunteering, you’ll meet people from all walks of life. These connections will teach you about human beings and life in general.

It’s common for gap year volunteering to have a ripple effect on your future. When your preconceptions are replaced with new revelations, your outlook on your life at home will also change. Volunteers often find themselves contemplating new careers or doing more service-oriented work. Most of all, many volunteers find themselves feeling happier in general after their time abroad.

Of course, going on the best gap year programs abroad offer more than just new friendships and personal connections. During your time volunteering, you’ll also encounter many situations that will challenge you to adapt quickly. For example, imagine what it would be like to work with special needs children in South America.

From difficult environments to different infrastructures, how you handle these new circumstances will be a learning process in itself. By the time you’re finished with your gap year travel programs, you’ll be a changed person. And when your family and friends meet the new person you’ve grown into, you can bet that they’ll be signing up for volunteer abroad programs, too!

There’s no doubt that heading off one of Global Crossroad’s affordable gap year programs is a great way to kick off your future.

How can you volunteer abroad for a year?

child empowerment

If you want to get started with one of Global Crossroad’s top gap year programs, you probably have a few questions on how to approach this journey. No need to worry, we’ve explained everything you need to know below—so read on!

When it comes to being a great volunteer, there are a few universal qualities that are really helpful for you to have. For example, being able to show compassion, kindness, and empathy is essential: these are all attributes that will take you far in your time with one of our gap year volunteer programs abroad.

Offering your services in a foreign country is a wonderful gift to give—but to do so effectively requires that you be warm and friendly to local people.

It’s important to accept traditions and customs you don’t understand. Ultimately, remember that volunteering abroad is first and foremost a learning experience. No matter what situation arises, there is always a valuable lesson you can learn from it.

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Jessica Mills

It was all worth it. I treasured the intimate moments travelling and experiencing together

Jessica Mills


Roberta Quis

I was not ready to leave when my two months were up. It was an unforgettable experience.

Roberta Quis

- Australia

Kenneth Janes

This was an amazing trip. I was immersed in new experiences, cultures, languages and people.

Kenneth Janes

- Canada

Lindsay Scott

This experience was both exceptional and valuable. Project was extremely enlightening.

Lindsay Scott

- Germany

Please read more reviews of our volunteers' on gooverseas.com

Aside from bringing along your compassion-based personal qualities, it’s also useful to pick a program that fits your personality well. There are few ways to approach this, and there’s no right or wrong.

One method is to go with whatever program you’re naturally drawn to. Another is to consider what skills you have to offer others. What are your best personality traits? Consider the activities you most enjoy spending time on.

For instance, if you love working with children, try choosing from our selection of gap year travel programs that focus on helping kids in orphanages. Or if you’re an animal-lover, go for one of our best gap year programs abroad that connects volunteers with local animals. Another question to ask where do you see yourself in the future? For those wanting to be a nurse or doctor, why not look for a medical-related project or healthcare program in a developing country.

Take note that, due to visa regulations, none of Global Crossroad’s gap year volunteer programs abroad are for a full year in any one country. In order to volunteer throughout your gap year, we recommend choosing 3 to 4 countries that you’re interested in exploring and volunteering in each of the for 3 to 4 months.

This offers you a variety of experience and ensures that you make the most of your time. There are some additional helpful hints to keep in mind when planning your best gap year programs abroad: keep costs low by selecting countries next to each other.

This saves on airfare significantly. In fact, you might be able to simply take the bus between countries and save on flights entirely.

Another tip is to choose affordable gap year programs that focus on different projects. Mix things up by choosing a nursing project in one country, and nature conservation in another.

By dipping your toes into different subjects, you’ll gain tons of experience in a variety of fields, and might surprise yourself with what you feel most passionate about. Get in touch with us at Global Crossroad today to find out more information about these incredible programs.

Whether you want to save turtles in Costa Rica or help with HIV/AIDS projects in East Africa, Global Crossroad has the ideal selection of the best gap year programs abroad to make your time away really count.

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