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  • info@globalcrossroad.com

Accommodation and Meal (San Jose, Costa Rica)

Are your concerned about the accommodation and the food that will be available for you in Costa Rica? Global Crossroad’s volunteer programs are designed to offer you safe and modern accommodation with healthy local home-cooked meals.

Accommodation: During our volunteer programs in Costa Rica, you will be accommodated in well-screened local host family home. Your new life staying with a local host family allows you to get a better understanding of how the everyday livelihood of people living in Costa Rica actually is.

hostel bedroom costarica

Your Home Away From Home In Costa Rica

Your host families in Costa Rica is located in serene and safe neighborhood very convenient and in close proximity to the projects, hospitals, medical clinics, schools, markets and restaurants. Your stay in Costa Rica will be both pleasing and successful because they have utmost concern about your safety, cultural exchange and comfort, demonstrated with great passion and care.

Staying with your host family in Costa Rica is a wonderful way and opportunity to immerse in local culture. You will gain deeper understanding of the Costa Rican cultures and traditions through them, including learning and practicing local languages like Spanish Having a warm caring family in a foreign country will be indeed a great experience for you. Be prepared to indulge in family’s daily activities, celebrate their festivals and share fresh home cooked foods with them.

You can also expect to find comfortable communal bathroom facilities with western style toilets and running tap water available.

Volunteering opportunities in Costa Rica: Meal

While at Costa Rica volunteer programs you will receive two home cooked, healthy local meals (breakfast, and dinner) per day, which you will share with your host family.

Typical breakfast in Costa Rica that will be served include  tea/coffee (depending on what you prefer), fruits, eggs, toasts, eggs, etc. Lunch and dinner will be served up with traditional Costa Rican cuisines.

Casado, Gallo Pinto, Chicharrones, Tamal, Arroz con Leche are some of the most popular dishes in Costa Rica. Gallo Pinto is a breakfast dish cooked from rice and beans. Casado is a traditional dish made of many foods. Arroz con Leche is a most popular dessert in Costa Rica.

Volunteer Programs in Costa Rica

If you’re interested in other volunteering opportunities in Costa Rica then GCR offers a wide range of projects in the country for a variety of passions and interests. Whether you want to
volunteer vacation,
conservation and environment, and much more. 
there is a GCR program for you.