Volunteer in Tanzania for an Inexpensive Volunteer Trip to Africa

volunteers in TanzaniaHave you always wanted to venture off to Africa but have always feared it would be far outside of your budget to do so?

Have you always wanted to participate in a meaningful volunteer project while on your grand African adventure? Have you ever considered traveling and volunteering in Tanzania?

Tanzania is a country filled with wonder, wildlife, and wonderful people. There are beautiful beaches, towering mountains, vast savannas, and an abundance of wildlife. Tanzania is also a country filled with culture, history, and ancient traditions.

While this captivating country has so much to offers travelers, many of the people in Tanzania are suffering mainly due to devastating poverty. Volunteering in Tanzania is an opportunity to experience all the wonder of Tanzania while also doing a wonderful service for the people who live there.

There are volunteer opportunities that focus on education, healthcare, childcare, and more. Regardless of what you do while you are volunteering abroad in Tanzania, you will leave behind a positive and everlasting mark.

Contact us today to find out more or sign up for the volunteer program in Tanzania that calls out to you the most.

Jessica Mills

It was all worth it. I treasured the intimate moments travelling and experiencing together

Jessica Mills


Roberta Quis

I was not ready to leave when my two months were up. It was an unforgettable experience.

Roberta Quis

- Australia

Kenneth Janes

This was an amazing trip. I was immersed in new experiences, cultures, languages and people.

Kenneth Janes

- Canada

Lindsay Scott

This experience was both exceptional and valuable. Project was extremely enlightening.

Lindsay Scott

- Germany

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What volunteer in Tanzania programs are available to me?

Global Crossroad has an array of affordable volunteer opportunities in Tanzania for all different passions, price points, and personal interests.

Volunteer in an Orphanage in Tanzania Summary

volunteers in Tanzania orphanageSadly, due to rampant poverty and the prevalence of the HIV/AIDS virus in Tanzania, among other unfortunate circumstances, thousands of children are left every year as orphans.

Without a family to care for them, their futures are quite bleak. The orphanages in Moshi and Arusha are often overwhelmed by the number of orphans and lack of resources, staff, and financial support.

Volunteering at an orphanage in Tanzania can make a huge difference in the level of care that the children receive. This is your chance to change a life or a dozen.

Skills and Qualifications Needed There are no specific skills or qualifications required in order to volunteer with the orphanage project in Tanzania.

You should however be a kind, loving, open-minded, flexible, and child-loving individual who can also serve as a good role model and mentor.

Volunteer Responsibilities As a volunteer at an orphanage in Tanzania, you will be a caregiver, teacher, friend, role model, and mentor to children of all different ages and from all difference pasts.

Your days will be spent helping the children with their daily routines and personal hygiene, helping to prepare and serve meals, assisting with schoolwork, teaching English, and engaging the children in fun and enriching activities.

Volunteer Teaching English Project in Tanzania Summary

volunteers in Tanzania medicalWhile English is spoken regularly in Tanzania, many students from rural communities don’t have the opportunity to receive a proper general and English education.

The reason being that most rural schools are greatly lacking financial support, educational resources and materials, and sufficient qualified educators.

When you volunteer as a teacher in Tanzania, you will be helping to improve the level of education these students receive and in turn helping to improve their chances of leading a more successful and brighter future.

Skills and Qualifications Needed There are no specific skills or qualifications required in order to volunteer as an English teacher in Tanzania. It is important that you are a native or highly fluent English speaker.

You should also possess a great deal of patience, compassion, and passion for teaching.

Volunteer Responsibilities English teacher volunteers in Tanzania will teach English for several hours a day, six days a week at a local primary, secondary, and high school.

You will assist the local teachers and administration and be involved in extracurricular activities at the school. Your work will be meaningful and highly rewarding.

Volunteer in Healthcare in Tanzania Summary

volunteers in Tanzania medicalThe local hospitals and clinics in Tanzania are greatly lacking qualified medical professionals and general staff. There is an urgent and constant need for medical volunteers in Tanzania.

The lack of support the healthcare system has in Tanzania means that countless Tanzanians are suffering from treatable injuries and illnesses. Everyone deserves at least basic healthcare and by volunteering with the medical program in Tanzania, you will be part of the grand effort to make this a reality.

Skills and Qualifications Needed There are no specific skills or qualifications needed in order to volunteer in the healthcare program in Tanzania.

No medical background is required. However, if you do have a medical background, you will be able to perform more hands-on tasks. Any help is greatly needed and appreciated though.

You should definitely enjoy helping others and be able to work as a team and be flexible.

Volunteer Responsibilities Your assigned tasks will depend on your experience and qualifications. You will most likely be helping to take patients’ vital signs and information, assist local staff, and help to promote health education within the community and clinics.

Regardless of how you contribute to this noble medical volunteer project in Tanzania, you will be making a significant impact on the lives of others.

Volunteer with the HIV/AIDS Project in Tanzania Summary

volunteers in Tanzania hivSimilar to the majority of other African countries, HIV/AIDS is still a major threat to overall public health and wellness.

The virus affects not only the person who has contracted it but their entire family, including the children who often end up as orphans.

The HIV/AIDS volunteer program in Tanzania is working to bring awareness and education to the rural communities in Tanzania. Knowledge is power and spreading awareness, offering counseling service, and providing testing opportunities is what will make the biggest impact in hopefully eliminating this devastating virus in the future.

You can be part of the fight and change!

Skills and Qualifications Needed There are no specific skills or qualifications needed in order to join the volunteer HIV/AIDS program in Tanzania. You should however be a truly compassionate, kind, open-minded, and sympathetic individual with a strong desire to help those who are suffering.

Your dedication to this program will not only impact the lives of those whom you interact with but will impact your own life too in a meaningful way.

Volunteer Responsibilities When you volunteer with the HIV/AIDS project in Tanzania, you will focus your time and energy on helping to offer treatment, testing, counseling, and support to those directly and indirectly affected by the virus and also working to spread awareness and education within the community.

This two-fold approach is the best approach to fighting back again this horrible epidemic.

Summer Volunteer Project in Tanzania Summary

volunteers in Tanzania How would you like to spend an entire month in Tanzania exploring the exquisite landscapes, observing the exotic wildlife, and helping orphaned children? The volunteer summer program in Tanzania is an opportunity to do just that.

This amazing and affordable opportunity includes a comprehensive orientation, a cultural immersion program, a three-week volunteer opportunity, and a one-week guided adventure to the most iconic places in Tanzania. For just $2,299, you can have a truly immersive and incredible summer experience in Tanzania.

Volunteer Project in Tanzania (Days 2-23)

For the first three-weeks of your volunteer summer project in Tanzania, you will spend your days at an orphanage helping children who have been abused, abandoned, or displaced. You will become a shining beacon of hope and light for the children whom you care for during these three weeks.

You will help with the daily routines at the orphanage, as well as teach English and assist with school work, and engage the children in fun and enriching activities.

Safari and Excursions in Tanzania (Days 24-28)

The last week of your summer project in Tanzania will be spent on a guided adventure tour to some of Tanzania’s most famous attractions.

This includes exploring Massai Land, the N’gorongoro Crater, the iconic Serengeti, and the Manyara National Park. This week-long excursion will be one of the most spectacular experiences of your life thus far! 

Volunteer in Tanzania Program Fees and Dates

Global Crossroad is adamant at keeping their costs low so that volunteering in Tanzania is accessible to as many people as possible. Tanzania and so many other places around the globe need more volunteers like you to set off on volunteering abroad adventures.

Thousands of past volunteers have returned from Tanzania will nothing but rave reviews and a feeling that their money was very well spent.

All volunteers must pay a one-time registration fee of $299 and then a weekly program fee. Your weekly program fee will vary depending on which volunteer program in Tanzania you decide to join and for how long you decide to volunteer for.

Global Crossroad is completely transparent will the allocation of all of your fees. Your weekly program fee includes that cost of your accommodations, meals, chosen volunteering project in Tanzania, and the continuous support of a designed in-country coordinator during your time in Tanzania.

You are responsible for covering the cost of your flights, visa, vaccinations, travel insurance, airport transportation, and any additional tours, activities, or personal expenses that you decide on. Fortunately, Tanzania is a relatively inexpensive travel destination in Africa.

Duration Orphanage/Teaching/Women Empowerment Medical/HIV
  1 Week   $175   $200
  2 Weeks   $300   $350
  3 Weeks   $425   $500
  4 Weeks   $550   $650
  5 Weeks   $675   $800
  6 Weeks   $800   $950
  7 Weeks   $925   $1100
  8 Weeks   $1050   $1,250
  9 Weeks   $1175   $1,400
  10 Weeks   $1300   $1,550
  11 Weeks   $1425   $1,700
  12 Weeks   $1550   $1,850

Arrangement of Room, Food, and Supervision

When you volunteer abroad in Tanzania, you will most likely stay with a host family. Staying with a host family is a truly unique experience and amazing opportunity to become immersed in the local culture and way of life.

Your host family will have hosted international volunteers in the past. The home you stay at will be in a safe area and have basic amenities.

Your weekly program fee includes that cost of your meals. You will enjoy three delicious, nutritious, and traditional meals a day with your host family.

Staples in a typical Tanzanian diet include coconut milk, rice, bread, grilled meat, okra, peas, beans, and cassava leaves. You will get a true taste of Tanzania eating this way every day.

While volunteering in Tanzania, you will also have the support of a designated in-country coordinator.

Your in-country coordinator will be available any time day or night should you need them. Otherwise, he or she will make a personal visit to you every two weeks or so to check up on how your volunteering program, accommodations, and overall volunteer experience in Tanzania is going.