Volunteer in Brazil for a shockingly low cost, but an exceptionally high quality experience

volunteers in Brazil medicalDo you feel compelled to set off an on adventure of a lifetime where you will have the chance explore and volunteer abroad in Brazil?

The country of Brazil has a magnetic energy and lively spirit about it.

This positive magnetism comes from the incredible people, captivating culture, happening cities, breathtakingly beautiful beaches, and national parks, and abundant celebrations and festivals.

The energy is contagious. When you join a volunteer program in Brazil, you will have the chance to become truly immersed in the culture, way of life, and communities in which you serve.

While there are so many positive aspects of Brazil, it is also a country that suffers from a lot of poverty and social issues.

Volunteers in Brazil are always in high demand. There is no better combination than to spend some of your time helping those who are less fortunate and the rest of your time gallivanting around a fascinating new place.

Contact us today to find out more about volunteer opportunities in Brazil, or enroll now for the trip of your dreams.

Jessica Mills

It was all worth it. I treasured the intimate moments travelling and experiencing together

Jessica Mills


Roberta Quis

I was not ready to leave when my two months were up. It was an unforgettable experience.

Roberta Quis

- Australia

Kenneth Janes

This was an amazing trip. I was immersed in new experiences, cultures, languages and people.

Kenneth Janes

- Canada

Lindsay Scott

This experience was both exceptional and valuable. Project was extremely enlightening.

Lindsay Scott

- Germany

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What volunteer in Brazil programs are available to me?

Global Crossroads offers an alluring and life altering selection of volunteer projects in Brazil for all different volunteer interests.

Volunteer in the Childcare Project in Brazil Summary

volunteers in Brazil orphanage It is quite common for women in Brazil to conceive at a very young age, especially those from low-income areas, which are called favelas.

These young families are then faced with the difficult of not being able to work full time because they cannot afford childcare services.

This dilemma is cyclical; they cannot afford childcare services because they can’t work enough and they can’t work enough because they don’t have childcare.

The childcare volunteer program in Brazil is working to help these families by providing childcare services for free, so that they can go to work and not worry about the safety, health, and happiness of their children while they are out working to provide for their families.

Skills and Qualifications Needed : There are no specific skills and qualifications required in order to join this childcare volunteer opportunity in Brazil.

However, you should enjoy working with children and be patient, kind, and flexible. Basic Portuguese is advised, but not required.

Volunteer Responsibilities : As a childcare volunteer in Brazil, you will help out in the local daycare centers. You will help the children with their schoolwork, teach English lessons, organize creative and engaging activities, and lend a hand with the day-to-day care of the children.

You will play many different roles and help where help is needed the most.

Volunteer Teaching in Brazil Summary

volunteers in Brazil The ability to communicate proficiently in English is one that can open up a world of opportunities in Brazil.

Students from marginalized and low-income communities often do not have the opportunity to learn English because the schools they attend do not have the resources and qualified teachers to provide this invaluable language class.

The volunteer English teaching project in Brazil is working to provide English classes to these deserving students, so that they have an equal opportunity to succeed in their futures.

Skills and Qualifications Needed: While previous teaching experience is not required in order to participate in the volunteer teaching English program in Brazil, you should be passionate about working with children.

You should also be flexible, patient, kind, and proficient in the English language. Basic Portuguese fluency is recommended, but not required.

Volunteer Responsibilities: When you volunteer to teach English in Brazil, you will work at a local community school. You will assist local teachers, help plan and give English lessons, assist students with their homework, and help organize extracurricular activities.

You will also help teach important personal hygiene and health lessons to your students. The lessons you teach and time you dedicate to helping your students practice their conversational English skills will make a world of a difference in their futures.

Volunteer Teaching Computer Skills Project in Brazil Summary

volunteers in Brazil Decent paying jobs and careers within the thriving tourism industry in Brazil often require employees to at least have basic computer skills.

Students from the low-income favelas often do not receive computer classes in schools and many do not have a computer at home. For this reason, many of them are not computer literate.

This inability only further perpetuates their impoverished living situations. When you join the volunteer teaching computer skills program in Brazil, you will help bring these valuable skills to these students.

Skills and Qualifications Required: There are no specific qualifications required in order to join this incredible volunteer teaching computer classes opportunity in Brazil.

However, you should be computer literate and capable of teaching basic programs like Word and Excel, and also how to do basic Internet searches. Basic Portuguese is helpful, but not required.

Volunteer Responsibilities: When you volunteer to teach computer skills in Brazil, you will work at community centers, churches, and local schools. You will teach basic computer skills and programs to students of all different ages. The lessons you teach them will greatly benefit them.

If you are highly knowledgeable in computer skills, you might be asked to assist with developing databases and with computer maintenance.

Volunteer with Youth Athletics in Brazil Summary

volunteers in Brazil Sports are a huge part of Brazilian culture. However, children and teenagers from the favelas often don’t have the opportunity to play organized sports.

Organized sports are highly beneficial to youths from at-risk areas.

When you volunteer with the sports program in Brazil, you will be part of a team of likeminded and compassionate sports enthusiasts who are working to connect kids from the favelas to team sports and fun physical activities.

Your dedication to this amazing program will help give these kids a chance to be kids in a safe, supportive, and fun environment.

Skills and Qualifications Needed : There are no prior skills and qualifications required in order to join the volunteer athletics program in Brazil.

However, you should enjoy playing sports and be enthusiastic about sharing sports with children. You should also be energetic, patient, and flexible. Basic Portuguese is helpful, but not a requirement.

Volunteer Responsibilities: The volunteer youth athletics project in Brazil works with local schools and community centers. You will help teach, organize, and engage your students in a wide variety of sports and games, such as soccer (futbol), volleyball, skateboarding, marital arts, and more.

You will also help students practice their English conversational skills, while they help teach you basic Portuguese skills.

Volunteer in Brazil Program Fees & Dates

One of the leading deterrents for joining a volunteer program in Brazil is the cost. Every year, thousands of individuals make the commitment to volunteer abroad in Brazil, but end up paying thousands of dollars to do so for a short amount of time.

Volunteering abroad in Brazil should be accessible to everyone. Global Crossroad is making that a reality by offering some of the lowest program fees on the market.

Global Crossroad is dedicated to helping compassionate individuals from around the world make their dreams of volunteering in Brazil come true. There is a one-time registration fee of $299 and then a weekly program fee that starts at just $370 a week.

Your weekly program fee will cover the cost of your accommodations, some of your meals, your chosen project, and in-country support.

You are responsible for your flights, visas, travel insurance, and personal expenses. Global Crossroad makes it affordable, safe, and highly rewarding to join one of their meaningful volunteer opportunities in Brazil. 

    Duration Childcare/Computer Teaching/Youth Athletics Teaching English/ Handicraft
  1 Week $370 $395
   2 Weeks $595 $645
   3 Weeks $845 $920
   4 Weeks $1,095 $1,195
   5 Weeks $1,345 $1,470
   6 Weeks $1,595 $1,745
   7 Weeks $1,845 $1,020
   8 Weeks $2,095 $2,295

Arrangement of Room, Food, and Supervision

When you join any of Global Crossroad’s volunteer opportunities in Brazil, your accommodations, breakfast, and supervision will be completely taken care of. You will most likely stay at a hostel when you volunteer abroad in Brazil.

The location will depend on your specific program, but you will either be in the Santa Teresa district or close to the world-famous Copacabana Beach. Your hostel will be clean, comfortable, safe, and secure.

Breakfast will be provided for you every day at your hostel. You are responsible for your own lunch and dinner, but meal prices are very inexpensive. Most meals cost between $5-$10. Both areas have an extensive selection of traditional and international cuisine choices.

As part of your program fees, you will have readily available in-country support. You will never feel alone when you are volunteering in Brazil.

Your in-country coordinator will always be available via phone or email and will make a personal visit every two weeks or so.